- Continue with my education, it's only been 20 years since I was a serious student. I am on the way to pursuing that one, already enrolled in two classes at BYU-I.
- Seriously study the New Testament, again already on the way to that one since I teach 14 year olds in Sunday School.
- Read or listen to 50 books. A goal I had and met last year, and it was so worth it, I read 31 and listened to 20. I'll post the names as I read them.
- Index 5000 names. That works out to 100 a week. Now that may seem like a lot but my sister has set a goal of 17000, that's alot. So far 122 names done.
- Last but not least blog, not once a week because that just isn't an option, takes too much time, I need to study for my classes, but once a month at least. My baby sister has taken on a new idea which I love and am going to copy it. You take a picture once a month, preferably the first day of the month, but I'm too late for that so how about the second Sunday of every month. The picture needs to be of the same place each month, then watch the changes. I love the idea.
This is my view out my back door today at 7:30 am:
a light frost coating everything.
Check back and see it change.