This is the second Sunday in June, still not a lot of sunshine, which made for a slow growing garden. The trees leafed out more, the grass grew, the weeds grew and I read, studied, and planted more garden.
Through the month the flowers began to open in their glory. One day I counted Lilies, Phlox, Rock Cress, Daisies, Lion's Bane(not sure the name is correct), Johnny Jump-ups, ornamental and real Strawberries, Lilacs, Gold basket, the last of the tulips, and of course dandelions to make up a plethora of colors. There were several others but I can't remember their names.
Just a sampling of the orange lilies and the daisies.
We had some beautiful sunsets, something we have a lot of around here in potato land. This one was on the Fourth of July.
This is the view for the next couple of months. Branches of green with glimpses of life beyond.
Three nights out of the week beyond the green this is what can be seen, soccer players running in every direction. Some nights it looks as if a bag of skittles has been spilled across the playground with all the colors. We throw open the windows and listen to the cheers of the parents. It's one of the happiest sounds on earth. Can't help but love it.
I'm up to 24 books read, it's coming along slowly but surely. I have also indexed a total of 2790 names for the year. Not doing so good with the arbitrating. We also turned in about 20 names for temple work. Hopefully the summer will slow down, the garden will grow (picked the first strawberries yesterday) and we can get some serious playing done.