Sunday, February 17, 2013

Random Thoughts

I realize it has been almost a year since I last posted.  It is obvious that I am not a great blogger.  Some of my friends and acquaintances post regularly, almost daily.  NOT ME.  Getting pictures ready to add, being creative in what I write, finding the time and inspiration, these all stress me out.  Extra stress in my life is something I do not need, especially now.  So, what am I doing here, writing, blogging.  I have thought about this for some time.  I have a lot of random thoughts.  I suspect most people do. So for the next year I am going to share some of those random thoughts, no deep, dark secrets, no real pictures, just random thoughts about things or people in my life. 
Some of thoughts may include:

Parents and aging
              Children and my aging
The dog and other pets
My new hair color according to my hairdresser
Winter / snow / cold
My family / siblings / in-laws and out-laws
Church callings (Young Womens, my current)
The Temple
The balancing act of marriage, house, job, school, temple, church callings, and yes, even facebook
Education and goals
Goals or lack thereof
Yard Work and even worse, house work
Eating out
Shopping: clothes, food, furniture, paint color
TV Shows we watch (Dowton Abby and more) and why
Out my back door or front door
I will not write daily, I will not write weekly, I may not write for many weeks or maybe even months, nothing regular. So if you really want to read my rambles you must check back once in a while. And if you do not want to peruse them, which I wouldn't blame you, after all these are only thoughts, nothing important, nothing that will make or break your eternal salvation, then no loss.  And if you do read them and want to share your own ramblings or random thoughts about any of the above subjects on you own blog, leave me a message so I can wander over to your blog and read. 
Also did I mention there will not be a lot of pictures.  I take them, a lot of them, but have not been in the mood to post them.