I love to photograph flowers and am always striving for that blue ribbon picture of the perfect flower in my yard. Most years they are so beautiful it's hard to take just one, so I usually take around a thousand. These are some of the flowers that grow in my yard. I can't take responsibility for how they look. I just plant them and then let God decide how they will grow.
2009 Tulips
This year they were beautiful but only lasted a day or two because of all the wind we had.
Johnny-Jump-ups, so prolific, almost a weed
Against the sand stone we got in Southern Utah
Johnny-Jump-ups, so prolific, almost a weed
I love poppies, they flutter so gently in the morning breeze. It's always fun to see what colors will come back and where. This is a unique shade of dusty pink.
One side of the yard. A picture doesn't do it justice.
In another corner of the yard can be found Sweet William in various colors, Canterbury bells, wild strawberry and lavender
Another favorite is lilies. I have many colors but I think this is possible my favorite color.
Poppies in the morning after the sprinklers have just run.
Canterbury Bells and Daisies
Poppies of every color grown where ever they want.
Of course every one needs an iris or two. I have hundreds, they grow and spread beyond belief.
Out front we have a Rose Tree of China. On a good year it's blooms are beyond beautiful, so delicate and lacy. Sadly this year the wind played havoc with it and didn't get many blossoms.
Night Blooming Ceres
It blooms one night a year, and only at night. About 8 o'clock you can see the buds begin to open and it's a miracle in motion. it reaches it's peak about midnight and immediately begins to wilt. The smell is unbelievable, so fragrant. It permeates the whole house.
I love to watch it.
Thus this picture is from last year.
Thanks for taking a walk through my yard. Check back for more pictures.
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