This year the 4th of July was different than any previous I'd ever spent, which often included parades, picnics, train rides and fireworks. Instead I spent the bulk of it in an airplane flying across the nation and then was too tired to stay up to watch any fireworks.
I had the opportunity to spend the previous week at Harvard participating in a People to People World Leadership Summit with 250 international teenagers. It was very enlightening as I watched these youth who didn't see color or race or nationality, as they discussed the problems and concerns of their countries and communities. Homelessness, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, environmental issues, lack of education and medical care for the underprivileged, bullying, and racial tension. Part of the week was spent touring Boston, where so much of what we are today began, from the Harbor with it's tea party to the old north church. The next day in church as we sang the National Anthem it really hit what I had experienced that week. The number of youth from other countries who knew the history of our country and especially our anthem was impressive.
I'm so thankful for so many things:
Our flag which is a visual reminder of what this country is and what it means to be a citizen and the freedoms that it affords us.
For the sacrifices made by those who fought, and died for me, so that I worship how I want, attend school where I want, work where I want, eat and sleep where I want and be with my family when I want to.
The example of a father who served his country, so I can enjoy the many freedoms and choices that I do.

The respect of the son (my youngest brother) who 50 years later tries to fit into the uniform his father wore.

I am especially thankful for and proud of our son who chose to follow in his grandfathers steps and serve also, that the legacy my live on.

This is just a drop of the many things I have to be thankful for.
Happy 4th of July United States of America."/>>