I stole this idea from my baby sis, who stole it from a friend, who got it from ????? It's a cute idea, as it makes you think about the fun side of who you are.
A: AGE - I am a lady and ladies never tell their age, but I will tell you this, I am not old enough for senior citizen rate, I get told I look younger than I am(I think most people are just being king) and only my hair dresser knows what color my hair really is.
B: BED - Queen, I like sleeping with my hubby, I like to cuddle and know that there is someone there. Sadly when I travel with my sisters, they vote not to sleep with me. It's not the cuddling it's the snoring.
C: CHORES YOU HATE - scrubbing toilets, sweeping and mopping floors (it shows), dishes on Sunday afternoons, and cleaning out the car
D: DOGS - yup, we have one, an old decrepit Pug. He has a couple of buddies that live with the renters downstairs. The three of them do a good job of leaving the back yard covered with their own special dog prizes. I'd like them a lot more if they'd learn to clean up after themselves.
E: ESSENTIAL TO START YOUR DAY - does getting out of bed count. hmmmm, how about a piece of toast while I think on it?
F: FAVORITE COLOR - most blues, some greens,
G: GOLD OR SILVER - Silver, but mostly because that describes the bulk of my jewelry
H: HEIGHT - I'm the shorty of the the sibs, 5'1 3/4" on a good day. I may be getting shorter now that I am not as young anymore
I: INSTRUMENTS I PLAY - Piano and not very well at that. I own one and try to do more than dust it by actually sitting down and pretend to play, but only when no one is around
J: JOB TITLE - Domestic Goddess, the rest of the time I work as a Media paraprofessional at the local high school
K: KIDS - Only one boy. I didn't use to think he was spoiled but now I know he really is, not of material things but his parents time.
L: LIVE - On the north edge of a town in Potato Land
M: MOM's NAME - Mom when there is just the two of us (or when I am with the sibs), Grandma when I am talking to our son and Mother when in a crowd.
N: NICKNAME - Ruthie, I guess
O: OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS - to have a baby, and to sit by my hubby when he had surgery
P: PET PEEVE - People who let their dog leave prizes on my lawn, parents who enable their kids to be bad or refuse to take responsibility for their poor parenting choices
Q: QUOTE FROM A MOVIE - "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" that Rhett Butler was alright.
R: RIGHT OR LEFT - Right handed
S: SIBLINGS - # 5 of 10, 5 sisters and 4 brothers, with 20 years from the oldest to the youngest, all perfect (NOT)
T: TIME YOU WAKE UP - depends on mother nature, preferable after 7 am but sadly the alarm clock is set for 6. I hit the snooze at least once.
U: UNDERWEAR - of course
W: WHAT MAKE YOU LATE - reading the newspaper, Facebook, untying my shoes, filling the dog's water dish, looking for my cell phone,
V: VEGETABLES YOU DISLIKE - hands down Green Beans, actually most beans
X: X-RAYS - the dentist takes them, and then when I was younger I had my shoulder x-rayed because I was being whiny that year, He could find anything
Y: YUMMY FOOD YOU Make - fresh salsa,
Z: ZOO ANIMAL - jelly fish, I could watch them float forever, they are so mesmerizing. These are not usually found at zoos but I still love them.
if there is one thing Justin has inherited from his favorite aunt Ruthie, it's your love of green beans. ;)